The number "7" has great significance in a number of cultural and religious contexts. It typically signals that something is finished, completed, released or fulfilled. Old Testament Law required that all debts be cancelled every seven years and that the land be given a rest from agricultural cultivation. I can imagine that for the one whose financial debt was forgiven, the year was one of great joy and freedom, but maybe not so much for the one who was required to forgive the debt. In an agrarian society, a cessation of cultivating the land meant that there was little food to eat but God promised that if the Israelites would observe this principal, he would increase their harvest.

2018 was a transition year for me in that I experienced a milestone birthday, which was ushered in with discontent, impatience and malaise. It took a while for me to identify the source as similar to something that I experienced 30 years ago with another milestone birthday. My husband and I took a cross-country trip in the latter months of 2018 which further solidified some things for me that I hope to share in future posts.
In many ways, 2018 has mirrored 2011, when it was clear my marriage was over. I knew that one major part of my life was ending but had no clue to what lie ahead, which is probably a very good thing! I'm looking at my final push towards retirement and there are potentially big changes coming that offer a new and different perspective and way of living. It is an exciting time and there is much to look forward to and to anticipate.

My word for 2018 was "Enough," and several pivotal personal decisions have come as a result of choosing that declarative word. What will "Refocus" mean for 2019?
- How can I further release the pain and trauma of relationship betrayal? What would that look like? What would it mean?
- What further work in the area of forgiveness do I need to do so that I can walk into this new season of life without baggage?
- Is it possible to complete or finish a recovery process from relationship betrayal or is it a lifelong journey? What would it mean to take the good (?) from the experience of having married a pedophile and leave the rest behind? Is that possible?
- What do I need to do to cultivate a deeper spiritual connection to God? How am I doing with trust?
Thanks for journeying with me through the past six years of blogging. I'd love to hear about where you are in your own journey towards wholeness and healing. One of the best things to come from my personal devastation is this blog and the relationships with so many wonderful women who have contacted me through this venue. My prayer is that you enjoy a wonderful and full year free from pedophilia and relationship betrayal! Happy New Year.