Her freedom from the ugly cage was costly but she paid the price and relished the opportunity to fly once more. She thought about the myriad of choices facing her and the many destinations that she now could freely set course for. But the choices and options overwhelmed her; somehow life was simpler in the ugly cage--just sing, dream and long for what could not be realized. The paralysis that confinement had taught her did not drop off as easily as the door to the cage had opened. Sometimes when no one was watching she ventured back into the cage and slept in the comfort of its confinement. The world was large and while she now had the power to make her own choices and to determine her own destiny, that choice was frightening and the cage offered comfort.
So, like the circus elephant that tethered as a babe learns to walk only in the circle his chain allows and does not venture farther than that tight circle once the chain is removed, she flies but in small circles. There is safety and security in small circles because it is easier to flee back to the safety of the cage. Flying longer distances away from the cage means potential danger and risk and that is too frightening. Where will she sleep? What if she cannot find food? What about the predators out there looking for pretty birds?

How I long for the pretty bird to fly once more; to decide on a destination and to set her course. I long to see her stretch her wings, chart her course and rid herself of the weights that she has designed to keep herself grounded. She was not meant to live life in a cage; she was designed to fly. She has the freedom, she has the ability, she has the longing but she is still flying in small, tight circles around the ugly cage. The dynamic her "Prince Charming" began continues to work even though he is no longer present. Fly little bird, fly. Throw off the tethers; stop just dreaming about life's destinations. Spread your wings and soar.
As an addendum--the friend who inspired this is flying--she is soaring in the glory of freedom and I count it a privilege to have her in my life.